Tempat Sewa Mobil Murah di Bali

Ayunadi Sewa Mobil Murah Bali Terpercaya

Percayakan liburan anda di Bali bersama Ayunadi rental mobil yang bertempat di Denpasar - Bali, dengan harga sewa murah didukung armada mobil berkualitas akan menjadikan liburan anda selama berada di Bali lebih mengesankan.
Hal apa saja yang perlu anda ketahui sebelum sewa mobil di tempat kami.
Perlu banyak diketahui sebelum anda menyewa mobil di ayunadi rental bali, sehingga tidak terjadi miss komunikasi selama masa sewa mobil di Bali.

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ayunadi rental bali

Bagaimana Cara Mendapatkan Sewa Mobil Murah dan Berkualitas di Bali.

1. Tanyakan harga dan ketentuan selama penyewaan mobil selama di bali.
2. Tanyakan bagaimana proses pengurusan rental mobil,apa saja syarat yang diminta oleh pihak penyewa dan cara pembayaran.
3. Tanyakan penawaran harga terbaru untuk sewa mobil murah di Bali.
4. Jangan sewa mobil di bandara, karena harga bisa lebih mahal. Pastikan dulu sebelum kedatangan anda di bali sudah melakukan booking service ke jasa sewa mobil kami sehingga akan di drop-off ke bandara selama penyewaan.
5. Kalo anda pengguna jasa wisata bali plus sewa mobil dan sopir, anda bisa tanya hotel mana yang cocok untuk menginap,tempat makan, tempat pembelian sovenir, dll  ke sopir yang nanti juga merangkap tour guide selama anda di bali.

Kenapa Sewa Mobil Ke Ayunadi Rental Bali

Ya, Bali merupakan tempat berlibur favorite untuk wisatawan asing dan domestik, Bali mempunyai ragam daya tarik tujuan wisata dari wisata budaya sampai wisata alam, untuk itu perlu alat transportasi untuk menuju dari satu tempat ketempat lain sehingga lebih efisien dan terjadwal.
Ada banyak paket sewa mobil yang kami tawarkan, sehingga menyesuaikan kebutuhan anda selama liburan di Pulau Bali:
- Sewa mobil manual
- Sewa Mobil Matic
- Sewa Mobil Mewah
- Sewa mini bus dan bus
- Paket wisata  bali + sewa mobil dan sopir (tour guide)

Paket sewa yang Ayunadi rental mobil bali tawarkan dengan kondisi mobil bisa sewa tanpa bahan bakar atau dengan bahan bakar, untuk sewa mobil manual dan matic bisa dengan sopir atau tanpa sopir. Tapi khusus sewa mobil mewah dan Mini Bus atau Bus tidak bisa tanpa sopir.

Kondisi Mobil Sewa Ayunadi Bali

Mobil yang kami sewakan rata-rata keluaran tahun 2014 keatas dengan kondisi prima dan siap pakai, sebelum mobil kami lepas ke penyewa biasanya melalui proses chek up ketat dari mulai ban, mesin, ac ,rem dll, guna memberikan pelayanan dan keselamatan terbaik untuk konsumen sewa mobil kami.

Paket Wisata bali + sewa mobil dan sopir.

Paket wisata kami meliputi wisata ke Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Penida, wisata gunung dan bali city tour, sopir yang merangkap tour guide merupakan salah satu fasilitas kami untuk service konsumen  agar betah selama liburan di bali.

Rental Mobil Mewah Ayunadi Bali

Ada beberapa mobil mewah yang bisa konsumen sewa, seperti Toyota Alphard, Camry, Fortuner, Vellfire. Dengan kondisi sewa mobil mewah bisa dengan bahan bakar atau tanpa bahan bakar. Harga sewa mobil mewah sudah termasuk sopir yang merangkap sebagai tour guide selama di Bali.

Sewa mini bus dan bus murah Bali

Dikhususkan untuk peserta liburan kolektif seperti komunitas, kantor, kelompok traveller yang membutuhkan alat transportasi bertempat duduk banyak, mini bus dan bus yang kami sewakan Elf, Hiace, bus 16 seat dan bus 35 seat sampai 45 seat.

Percayakan kebutuhan alat transpotasi saat liburan di Bali bersama Ayunadi Rental Mobil Bali, kepuasan anda adalah prioritas bagi kami.

Ayunadi Rental Mobil Bali 

Tempat Sewa Rental Mobil Bali 24Jam

Ayunadi Bali Rental Mobil menyediakan mobil sewa siap pakai dengan kondisi normal untuk para wisatawan yang berkunjung di pulau Bali. Mobil yg kami sewakan mulai dari jenis city car, manual,matic, mpv, apv, mini bus, bus dan mobil mewah sekelas camry,alphard,land cruiser dll, persediaan mobil yg kami sewakan menyesuaikan kebutuhan anda selama di Bali.

 Pelayanan sewa mobil bali di ayunadirentcar.com 24 jam dengan kondisi sewa tanpa sopir atau dengan sopir (sekalian pemandu wisata selama di bali), penawaran harga sewa mobil di ayunadi bali bisa dibilang bersaing dengan tempat sewa mobil di bali lainnya, akan tetapi kualitas pelayanan konsumen dan kenyamanan konsumen saat memakai jasa sewa mobil di ayunadi rentcar bali paling utama bagi kami.
sewa mobil murah bali, bali rental mobil,
sewa mobil murah bali

Sewa Mobil Matic atau Manual Murah Bali

Rental mobil matic atau manual area Bali – ayunadirentcar dengan kondisi bisa setir sendiri, dengan sopir merangkap tour guide selama anda berlibur di Pulau Bali. Mobil matic atau manual seperti Ayla, Agya, Xenia,Avansa,Ertiga,Terios,Inova, Rush,Mazda 2,Livina,Yaris,Juke,Jazz RS, Splash. Semua kendaraan yg kami sewakan dalam kondisi keluaran tahun 2014 dengan kondisi mesin terawat dan tanpa ada masalah mesin,ac demi kepuasan pelanggan sewa mobil selama di Bali.

Sewa Mobil Murah Di Bali
 Motto service dari ayunadi adalah rental mobil murah di Bali untuk semua pelayanan sewa mobil ditempat kami, antar jemput dari bandara ke hotel atau sebaliknya untuk kemudahan konsumen saat berada di Bali. Paket Sewa mobil + sopir yang merangkap tour guide ada dalam paket liburan kami selama anda di bali, ada beberapa paket yg bisa jadi refernsi anda selama di Bali, seperti paket liburan ke nusa penida, nusa lembongan, bali city tour atau paket wisata air (telaga waja) dan tracking gunung Batur Bali juga bisa juga jadi pilihan anda selama berada di Pulau Bali dengan menggunakan jasa sewa mobil murah bali ayunadi rentcar service.

Rental Minibus dan Bus Area Pulau Bali

 Ayunadi rental Bali juga menyediakan sewa untuk mobil berkapasitas penumpang banyak untuk liburan perusahaan, kampus, komunitas atau peserta liburan kolektif lainya sealam di bali. Jenis minibus atau bus yang disewakan adalah Hyundai H-1, Elf 12 seat,Elf 18 seat,Hiace 16 seat, Bus mini 28 seat, Bus 35 seat, Bus 45 seat yg bertujuan untuk memudahkan akomodasi selama berlibur tanpa menyewa banyak mobil.

 Sewa Mobil Mewah Bali

 Ayunadi rental mobil Bali sudah berpengalaman urusan sewa mobil di bali yang salah satunya rental mobil mewah seperti Alphard, Fortuner, Vellfire dan Camry untuk konsumen yang menginkan sewa mobil mewah untuk keperluan bisnis, pertemuan pejabat negara atau event-event besar lainnya. Anda bisa mempercayakan pada kami untuk urusan sewa mobil mewah selama di Bali, dengan kondisi mobil terawat,sopir profesional yang akan menyesuaikan dengan jadwal kegiatan anda selama berada di Bali.
Sewa mobil mewah di bali sudah termasuk driver + bahan bakar (tanpa bahan bakar) Harga sewa mobil mewah kami kondisikan dengan keperluan anda selama di bali, kondisi sewa sudah termasuk sopir, bisa dengan harga sewa + bahan bakar atau tanpa bahan bakar.

 Ayunadi Rental Mobil Bali

 Percayakan kebutuhan transportasi anda selam di Bali kepada kami untuk keperluan sewa mobil murah bali, ayunadi car rental service ahlinya.

Ayunadi Car Rental Bali
Jl Mekar Jaya Blok D/35 Perum Priskila Pemongan


Telkomsel 0811 386 945 

Satelindo 0857 3837 9699 

XL 0878 6219 6699 

Paket Wisata dan Tour Murah Indonesia Hanya di Piknikers.com

Paket Wisata dan Tour Murah Indonesia  :
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Paket Wisata dan Tour Murah Indonesia Hanya di Piknikers.com :
  Paket Wisata dan Tour Murah Indonesia Hanya di Piknikers.com: Aktifitas padat setiap hari terkadang menjemukan dan untuk menyegarkan pikiran yang padat dengan pekerjaan dan masalah-masalah lain perlu sebuah acara refreshing seperti berwisata keberbagai pulau di Indonesia untuk menyegarkan pikiran kembali,planing pencarian informasi tempat wisata,biaya dan akomodasi harus jelas agar tidak menjadikan pemborosan pada kantong kita.

 Kalo saya pribadi untuk semua urusan informasi tempat wisata,biaya dan akomodasi biasanya saya percayakan pada agen travel wisata berpengalaman tinggi seperti Paket Wisata dan Tour Murah Indonesia Hanya di Piknikers.com ,dari mulai urusan estimasi biaya pemberangkatan,infomasi hotel murah dan tujuan wisata mana aja yang nantinya bisa kita kunjungi,di Pikikers.com juga menyediakan paket wisata murah dengan pemberangkatan ke berbagai tujuan wisata Indonesia seperti :
* Paket wisata Pulau Karimun jawa
* Paket wisata Gunung Bromo 
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* Paket Wisata Kota Bandung 
* Paket Wisata Kota Jogja 
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Pasir Panjang Singkawang Beach

 Paket Wisata dan Tour Murah Indonesia Hanya di Piknikers.com,paket wisata dan tour murah karimun jawa,paket wisata dan tour murah pulau lombok,paket wisata bandung,paket wisata dan tour murah jogja,paket wisata dan tour murah gunung bromo,paket wisata dan tour murah pulau derawan kalimantan,paket wisata dan tour murah dan bahagia
Pasir Panjang Singkawang Beach

Pasir Panjang Singkawang known as the City of Amoy and its China Town of Indonesia, because the majority of the population (approximately 70%) are ethnic hard. Visiting the town immediately adjacent to the State of Sarawak, Malaysia was, of course not complete until they've been visiting Pasir Panjang.
The beach is a tourist icon Singkawang a tourist attraction and one of the mainstays of West Kalimantan province has developed into an integrated tourism package Pasir Panjang Taman Indah (TPPI). Named to the Pasir Panjang beach stretches as long surround the open sea.


Pasir Panjang Singkawang From shore, visitors could enjoy the panoramic ocean blue background is also blue horizon. Faintly in the distance green hade Lemukutan Island, Isle of sackcloth, and a fenced Randayan Island Natuna Sea. Wide sandy beaches and clean making it convenient to use the area for sunbathing or doing sports activities, such as beach volleyball and beach soccer.

Water clear and clean sea is very supportive activities of visitors who want to swim or dive. In addition, the waves are relatively large and become home for many fish, so that the proper arena once used as a surfing and fishing areas.

long sand

The atmosphere of this increasingly exclusive region seconds before sunset (sunset) behind the islands that are all around this coastal area. Visitors can enjoy the beach or from the tourist lodges numerous in the area.

When bored on the beach, visitors can browse the public life of a fishing village not too far from the beach, or relax in the shelter-shelter located in the Peninsula of Love.

Location Pasir Panjang Beach Singkawang

Pasir Panjang Beach is located in District Seventeen, Singkawang, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesian.


Singkawang distance of about 142 kilometers from the city of Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan Province. Supadio Airport or Bus Terminal Pontianak, visitors can take a taxi, travel, or a bus to Singkawang. From the center Singkawang, Pasir Panjang Beach is about 17 kilometers away. Visitors can access it by taxi, bus or minibus.

Ticket Prices

Visitor fee of Rp 5,000, - per person.

Accommodation and Other Facilities

Pasir Panjang Singkawang In the area of Pasir Panjang beach there are tourist information centers, discos, speed boat rental, water bicycles, darmoling, karting, shelter, shelters, cabin tours, and gift shop. Visitors who are not accustomed to swimming at the beach can swim in the pool of available, but who does not like swimming or sunbathing can be around the beach with banana boat ride. Visitors who bring their children can still have fun because this area is children's playground.

Visitors are not going to be having trouble finding food because in this area there are restaurants, cafes, food stalls, and hawkers. So also want to stay, do not have to bother bringing a tent or a sleeping bag because this region is available guesthouse and hotels with various types.

need travel agent Vacationing at Pasir Panjang Singkawang Beach : Package Travel and Tour Packages Indonesia Only in Piknikers.com

Cubadak Island - Paradise in Sumatra

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Cubadak Island - Paradise in Sumatra
Regions Cubadak in the beginning was the former crater with an area of 40 square kilometers. The island is uninhabited, except for only a handful of fishermen's house as a haven when benighted sea, and filled with dense forest. A number of species of birds and wild animals like monkeys, deer, pigs live here. Cubadak is one of dozens of small islands off the coast of West Sumatra.

In fact there are many small island that has big potential in this region. Among the Mentawai, Sipagang, Sikuai, Pasumpahan, Sirandah, Turtle, and others. Unfortunately new and Mentawai Cubadak already worked on and promoted properly.

Cubadak island whose name has worldwide and became an icon of South Coastal District has an area of 5749 square km and is 0-1000 feet above sea level. Longitudinal position from north to south in the western part of West Sumatra, which has 218 km coastal length of the beach does have potential in tourism.

 Cubadak in the beginning was the former crater with an area of 40 square kilometers. The island is unpopulated, except for only a handful of fishermen's house as a haven when benighted sea, and filled with dense forest. A number of species of birds and wild animals like monkeys, deer, pigs live here.
Over 1.5 km long coastline and land managers controlled Cubadak is about seven hectares. If the Mentawai is a surfers paradise, it is heaven Cubadak divers because of the seabed surrounding the island is overgrown with coral-reefs are beautiful and colorful decorative fish.

Among other European tourists, including Germans who visit the island quite enthusiastic, dubbed Paradiso Village. All was not separated from the incessant promotion of a number of media in Germany seven years ago. At that time, one team came to the Bavarian TV Cubadak to work on a documentary. They make taking pictures from different angles to illustrate the beauty Cubadak.

After playing in Germany, a 30-minute film was well received by a wide and capable of being a magnet for Germans to come to Cubadak. Hundreds of phone went into the TV station. They usually ask how the trip to West Sumatra, Indonesia. So far, they only know Bali or Lombok.
In addition, several print media was also written long articles about the island "paradise" this. Women's magazine Bild de Rau, for example, contains essays entitled "Tersenyap Island in the World" and the newspaper Münchener Abendpost wrote "How to Achieve Cubadak Island."


According to Tom Plummer, manager of an Australian cruise ship that has long been domiciled in Padang, a lot of foreign tourists who initially did not expect privileges Cubadak Island. Not infrequently even the tourists who come to West Sumatra initially complained about the trip from the airport to Carocok Tabing pretty tiring because of the twisting road and a lot of corners. "But when I got Cubadak Island, they will be surprised how beautiful this island and did not regret ever been there," says Tom.

Tom, who now also runs a sports shop in Jalan Padang Hiligoo even dare say that people who come to Cubadak would be impressed. Alloy water sports while enjoying the stillness of the island is going to generate longings that will make visitors want to come back. So to prove it you should visit there myself.

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Coast beauty Belitong

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Coast beauty Belitong
Kelayang Cape is one of the beaches on the island Belitong, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (official designation). Rod often visited since a few years ago and always find peace. Once smitten his heart at Belitong, to the point that he wants to spend their old age there.

Scenery on the beach was indeed tempting. Moreover, one afternoon in late July and then it was sunny. Sky-blue net. Outskirts of Cape Coast Kelayang dihampari soft white sand. Clear sea water. Blue-color green-coated water-toska-like piece of surrealist painting by Spanish artist, Salvador Dali.
In the left corner, huddled-gray granite that forms a unique cluster. Slightly out to sea, visible small island marked a similar huge granite head of a bird. Local people call it the Bird Island.

Belitong beach

Cape Coast High, we'll find enchantment more thrilling. At the right end there is a smaller basin framed by granite boulders. The basin, called Port flowing beauty of this chamber not run out.

The left side of the chamber decorated with piles of granite rocks that jutted into the sea. The middle part of the clean white sand-like powder sugar. Some trees, with branches and twigs writhed, grow blindly but snugly.
On the right there is a granite structure even more. Stone's big, round, grayish, forming the composition of a surprise, but harmonious. In between the rocks, sea water and out, transfer rates are slow waves.

"Many people say, this beach-like picture of paradise. I do not know, certainly this is the beauty of God's creation. I never tired of visiting here every weekend, "said Erdwin, young man from Tanjung Pandan.

Grace Beach

Cape Coast Kelayang, Bird Island, and Cape High only part of the charm of nature in the Pulau Belitong. There are still many other beaches which are also interesting. The beaches are in the coastal line of the island facing the South China Sea.

Parallel to the two beaches, we can visit the Mount Berahu Beach overlooking the west. At sunset, a view cantik.Di middle of the sea, a distance of approximately 22 kilometers from the coastline, there Lengkuas Island. On the island stands a lighthouse built in 1883 Holland. If you climb to the top of the tower, we can let go of the view out to sea, staring at the row of other small islands, such as Bird Island, Pig Island, and Island of Hajj. Everything is filled with trees and an elegant granite structure.

Not as popular beaches in Belitong, several beaches in East Belitong also has its own charm. Call it, among others, Bird Bath Beach, Beach Nyiur Waving, or Coast pigeon. All the beaches were also blessed with natural charm.

Local people have a story, supposedly Belitong name, the old designation for the Pacific Islands, comes from the word "Bali is cut." However, few tourists actually argue the opposite, more captivating than Belitong beaches of Kuta or Sanur Beach in Bali.

"I went to many beaches in the archipelago. For me, the beaches on the island is the most beautiful Belitong, "said Frans Ahnan (56), men Manado origin who settled in Germany.
The beauty of sand, sea water, and granite on the island even more attractive because it is bathed in natural atmosphere diutak aka not many manipulated the human hand. If the opportunity to dive or snorkel peered with, we can enjoy the coral reef which has a variety of shapes and colors. That is home to various types of local fish.

"Luckily this seelok Belitong have beaches. If in Europe, the beaches of this kind must be besieged people, "said Frans with his eyes twinkled.


Belitong Island actually easy to reach from Jakarta. The flight from Soekarno-Hatta Airport to Airport HAS Hanadjoeddin at Tanjung Pandan, Belitong, only about one hour. Road from downtown to the beaches nearby and has teraspal neat.

From Tanjung Pandan, Berahu Hill Beach is about 18 kilometers, Kelayang Cape Coast is 25 miles, and Cape Coast High is 30 kilometers. Unfortunately, until now no regular public transport to deliver passengers directly to beaches. Tourists have to rely on travel by renting facilities from Tanjung Pandan vehicle.

Problem lodging facilities, may not be too troubling. Some beaches, like in High Cape, Cape Kelayang, and Hill Berahu, equipped hotel or cottage. Kelayang Coast, for example, there Kelayang Beach Cottages. "Though not luxurious facilities, the atmosphere here peaceful, beautiful and natural," said Rudi Helwansa, manager's cottage.

Tranquility, beauty and naturalness that made many people fall in love with the beach in Belitong. The atmosphere was very reassuring, especially for people who are bored with the routine of city life. Naturally, if there are travelers who want to die of old age in Belitong.

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Surfing on the Plengkung Beach

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Surfing on the Plengkung Beach
Alas Purwo National Park is one representative of ecosystem types, lowland rain forest in Java, specifically Java southern part.
Plengkung located in the southern part of the National Park Alas Purwo have been known to the world stage with the title perselancar G-Land. G-land title may imply, because the location of surfing water sports are located in the Gulf Grajagan that resembles the letter G. Plengkung location or are not far from the expanse of tropical rain forests that look always green (green-land). Plengkung including four locations in the world for its surfing and surfing locations can be paralleled with in Hawaii, Australia and South Africa.

Go along the white sand beaches of Trianggulasi to Plengkung will find a sandy area buckshot. Sand is colored yellow, spherical and about 2.5 mm in diameter, and when you walk on the white sand, then you will feel a different feeling, and as if being sauna, warm, lebut, stretchy and comfortable.

Unique and endemic plants in this national park is Kecik sapodilla (Manilkara kauki) and bamboo manggong (Gigantochloa manggong). Other plants are almond (Terminalia cattapa), Calophyllum inophyllum (Calophyllum inophyllum), bulging (Sterculia foetida), keben (Barringtonia asiatica), and 13 species of bamboo.

Alas Purwo National Park is the habitat of some wildlife such as ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus auratus), banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), peacock (Pavo muticus), partridges (Gallus Gallus), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), leopard (Panthera pardus melas), and cat mangrove (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis). Rare and endangered species like the turtle cracked (Lepidochelys olivacea), leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas) are usually often landed on the southern coast of this national park in January to September.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many people who do semedhi and hold religious ceremonies in Goa and Goa Padepokan Palace. Around the park entrance (Rowobendo) there is a historical relic in the form of "Great Temple" which became a place that is Pagerwesi Hindu ceremony. The ceremony is held each term of 210 days.

Communities around the national park filled with color and thick culture "Blambangan". They strongly believe that the National Park Alas Purwo the last stop of the people who escape from the advancing Majapahit kingdom of Mataram, and believe in the forest park is still stored Kris Sumelang Gandring Heritage, and / or other heirloom that can not be found elsewhere, forest atmosphere was natural.

This national park has a variety of objects and natural attractions and cultural tourism (sea, sand, sun, forest, wild animal, sports and culture) that is located not so far from each other
Some locations / attractions to be visited:
Sadengan. Located 12 km (30 minutes) from the entrance Pasaranyar, is pengembalaan desert wildlife such as bison, antelope, deer, mouse deer, wild boar and birds.
Triangulation. Located 13 km from the entrance Pasaranyar form with the formation of white sand beaches of coastal forests for marine tourism activities and camping.
Ngagelan beach. Located 7 km from Trianggulasi to see some kind of turtles landed to lay their eggs on the beach and turtle breeding activity.

Plengkung. Looking at the world level professional perselancar who is doing the tourist attractions and forest searches.
Bedul Segoro Child. Boating, swimming, water skiing at the lake and observing migratory birds from Australia.

Goa. There are 40 different places that can be referred to as natural and artificial caves, among others, Japanese Cave to see the relics of two six-meter long cannon, Palace Goa, Goa Padepokan and other cave for cave tourism and cultural tourism.

Arch beach is a world-class surfers paradise, because the wave of spektakulaer and very good for surfing. The location is located in protected forest areas, so they can enjoy the beauty with all the uniqueness that is still natural. A good time to surf normally conducted from May to October.

To reach the arch, a distance of beach about 75 km from the town of Banyuwangi, can be reached through multiple channels such as through Kalipahit Trianggulasi with conditions continue to the next paved road a short walk along the 12 km. The next route is through Grajagan and followed by a boat engine.

need travel agent Vacationing at Plengkung Beach : Package Travel and Tour Packages Indonesia Only in Piknikers.com

R3 Bebas Jerawat